Tuesday 29 September 2009

AD Panic At The Disco - 'Pretty Odd' Album Release


Another album avert I stumbled across was that of Panic At The Disco and their new album ‘Pretty Odd’. Take away the bands name/logo from the advert and you can still hazard a guess that it belongs to the colourful, vibrant Panic’. The advert still has an air of ‘cartoony circus art’ as I like to call it relating back to their debut album ‘A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out’. It’s almost like they have created their own house style if you like.

The background colour is a shade of purple/lilac. The page is bordered with a golden frame like that from an old story book, or child’s fable. In each corner is a floral triangular pattern sitting nicely with the border.

The central image is what one assumes to be the album cover or at least some of it’s artwork. The image is host to yet more flowers and horticulture. The image appears tattered and worn contributing to the possibility of resembling an old children’s story book.

Incorporated into the central image is the album title ‘Pretty Odd’ which sits in a yellow cartoon-like font upon an orange fairytale style banner. This contributes to the children’s fantasy/fable feel. The sentence ‘Welcome To The Sound Of’ positioned above the banner creates a build up to the album name and creates a kind of ‘world’. A sense that ‘Pretty Odd’ is not only an album of music but a world which you can enter. Possibly a secret world behind an old wardrobe, beneath a small rabbit hole, or beyond the gates of a mysterious factory!

With this concept of Children’s stories in mind, at a glance the stories of Alice and Wonderland, Thumberlina and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory all seem apparent. (Charlie’ more so down to the use of purple as the dominant colour, however the Tim Burton version was on the vibrant and colourful side, then again the idea of a Tim Burton film relates to the title of the album ‘Pretty Odd’).

The bands title sits at the top of the page in a quirky, cartoon-like font. With shades of purples, pinks, blues and reds the letters stand out on the page (all of which are found in the central album artwork). The words ‘Panic’ and ‘Disco’ appear large and are very unique and diverse; each letter stranger than the last. The words ‘At’ and ‘The’ sit in white with a light violet drop shadow giving a 3d effect.

The usual What, When, Where? Is located below the central. The words ‘The New Album’ followed by it’s release date are in a large white Serif font. Despite being Serif the font is slightly rounded making it friendly on the eye, like everything else on the page! Below the release date is information as to where you can get the album (website) and a mention of a single which is included on the album.

Further website addresses feature below this and then endorsements and the label name.

It appears the key things to incorporate on a magazine advert apart from the obvious release date and album name would be a single which features (obviously would be the song I make a video for Seventy Times Seven), website addresses, references to other merchandise (possibly) and limited edition versions for instance double disc versions or DVD packages, signed artwork for first one hundred reserved copies etc things along those lines.

After in depth analysis Panic’ have a clear house style which worked awesomely well for their first album and will no doubt follow suit. They have created a friendly on the eye piece which totally resembles the album name ‘Pretty Odd’ triggering connotations of fairytale lands and children’s stories.

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