‘Take Me To The Hospital’ is The Prodigy’s latest album release which features in a music magazine appealing to it’s audience in more ways than one. The colour scheme for one is more eye-catching than any I have seen, with fluorescent pink, orange and yellow triangles forming pyramid style tessellated tiles as a background.
‘Take Me To The Hospital’ is printed in block capitals; a stencil like font which appears scratched and faded in certain areas. The word ‘Hospital’ is in a different font with rounded edge rather than sharp straight edges. ‘Hospital’ appears as if the letters are dripping, as if just been painted and the paint is running. Also connotations of blood spring to mind with the word Hospital.
The ‘O’ of ‘To’ resembles the Pepsi logo only ‘The Prodigy’ replaces ‘Pepsi’. This is just my interpretation of how it appears, my way of describing it. For those unfamiliar with the Pepsi logo, imagine two semi-circles separated by ‘The Prodigy’ in between.
The platforms and release information is below in a smaller font which reads ‘CD/12/DD/Out Now’ This suggests it is available on CD, Vinyl and what I’m guessing is ‘double disc’. A reference to The Prodigy’s website is seen below in the same font, along with a small image of what looks like a school black board with the album name upon it framed by an old authentic golden frame. Perhaps this is album artwork?
At the bottom right of the piece is a reference to the albums’ availability at HMV. (Cross-media convergence).
Over all the advert is simplistic in that there is not a great deal going on. The piece is very reliant on the colour scheme and use of unusual font to grab the readers attention. The colour scheme replicates the groups’ genre which is drum and bass which relates to bright vibrant colours resembling clubs and live concerts/shows. The bright colours can also have connotations of drugs and hallucinations which are a big relation to nightlife and this particular genre of music. The piece is very clear and easy to understand.
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